Linda Jue

Linda Jue is editor-at-large for the investigative site 100Reporters and contributing editor for the National Association of Hispanic Journalists’ news site, palabra. (sic). She is also a reporting and writing coach for grantees of the Fund for Investigative Journalism and an investigative reporting trainer for the Ida B. Wells Society. She has worked with reporters to develop long-form stories on such topics as climate justice in Stockton, CA; the impact of US agribusiness on Brazil’s water and land; and the environmental and health hazards of DiCamba, the next iteration of Monsanto’s Round Up pesticide. She also works with reporters to embed climate change into whatever beats they’re covering. Previously, Linda was an associate of the Center for Investigative Reporting, an editor and associate producer at KQED-TV/San Francisco Focus magazine, and Northern California correspondent for C-SPAN. Her work has appeared in San Francisco Focus, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Toronto Globe and Mail, GEO,  MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, PBS’ Frontline and other outlets.

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