Science Training for Journalists


It was one of the most extraordinary
experiences of my life.
Jeff Mosier, Dallas Morning News
Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists alum



Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists

The Annual Science Immersion Workshop is a comprehensive, hands-on learning experience that gives journalists opportunities to explore and understand the impacts of global change in coastal ecosystems at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography.

Science Seminars for Journalists

Metcalf’s Science Seminars for Journalists bring experts in climate change, coastal pollution, environmental disasters, and other pressing environmental issues to journalists where they work and gather.

Peter B. Lord Seminars on the Environment

The Peter B. Lord Seminars for southern New England offer expert and timely information, context and contacts for journalists critically important environmental issues.

Training Programs at Journalism Conferences

Metcalf Institute works with partner organizations to develop specialized panels and seminars on environmental science and policy at professional conferences for journalists.

Environmental Reporting Fellowships

The Metcalf Institute Environmental Reporting Fellowships provided traditionally under-represented racial and ethnic minority journalists with an opportunity to learn basic science, gain environmental research and reporting skills, and apply new knowledge and skills in an environmental reporting assignment.